Tuesday, October 22, 2024

5 Traits That Might Get You Called The ‘Golden Retriever’ Friend Of The Group


5 Traits That Might Get You Called The ‘Golden Retriever’ Friend Of The Group


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Admit it, almost everyone admires Golden Retrievers! They’re large, fluffy, and full of energetic compassion. They can even make cat lovers tolerant of dogs. One could argue that they’re the first type of dog that comes to mind when you think of dogs. They are the OG, embodying everything that makes man’s best friend so great.

These traits are so persistent in the breed that sometimes you start to notice them in your friends. People sometimes call their friends a “golden retriever” because of the similar natures and energies they exhibit. Don’t worry, it’s not an insult, because the traits that golden retrievers have are amazing when you see them in your friends.

Think you might be that coveted “golden retriever” friend of the group? Check out these five traits below and see if you resonate:

1. You often have your (glass half-full) heart on your sleeve.

There’s nobody more emotionally open than you, especially when you’re happy. Friends often see you with a sunny disposition, a literal sun incarnate in some cases. You talk about the world with optimism and color, and you can easily spot nice things that other people sometimes take for granted. To be clear, it’s not that you don’t experience negative emotions (everyone does), but you quickly lean back to optimism, and your feelings can often be infectious.

2. You are fiercely loyal to your friends and loved ones.

Like the breed itself, these people are incredibly close and will defend and stand up for the people they love and care about. This ties closely with the previous point; because you’re emotionally open, you often share much about the good and great things your friends do. Unintentionally, you defend your friends by simply admiring them, and with that passion and energy, who wouldn’t think that you’re incredibly attached to your friends?

3. You can sometimes seem aloof and unaware of your surroundings.

You might say that you often just stay in your lane, but there are times when you are so focused on something that you don’t notice your friends approaching you. This often results in your face lighting up at the sight of them, and you run straight to them, no questions asked. Like a loyal golden retriever, you might not easily notice things and may even seem threatening from afar, but once you see your friend, all of that intimidation falls away and your heart springs forward.

4. You are often considered cute.

Now, this is the most contentious point that one can’t simply just claim, but you can feel it in the ways your friends and people react around you. Pointing out a beautiful sunset? Adorable. Your face lighting up because of a good bite of food? Heartwarming. Even when you’re “sad” about something, it often turns out to be charming. You may or may not have a secret line of crushes because you turn everything you do into something cute.

5. You always know how to be emotionally open.

Despite the looks, charm, and loyal qualities, your best trait is probably how you wield your emotions to connect with people. You might be an optimistic sunshine that can’t help but make people smile, but you know how to tone down that blind optimism to be real with people. Sometimes, things just suck, and like Sadness from Inside Out, it sometimes takes a moment to feel your negative feelings before getting back out there and trying again.

All in all, golden retriever friends seem like great people to be around, but don’t be sad if you think you don’t fit all the traits listed here. A great friend is a great friend, period. Whether or not you have golden retriever energy, the more important thing is to be there for your friends and make them feel valued and appreciated. In spirit, that’s what the golden retriever friend is, whether or not you perfectly fit all of these traits.