The Japanese toy company, Bandai, releases the latest version of Infinite Bubble Wrap or known as Bubble Wrap Air 2021 version that is perfectly fit for everyone’s pocket.
The 2007 big hit “MUGEN PUCHIPUCHI,” a classic version of a Japanese keychain toy has been renewed into a press-friendly and handy version of bubble wrap -without the waste.
“This is a toy that can enjoy the feeling of crushing bubble wrap! It is equipped with a specially structured button that traps air and the sound that allows you to enjoy the feeling of crushing a real bubble wrap!” introduced the toy on Facebook.
“It also includes 7 rare sounds that make you feel refreshed! It is palm-sized so you can enjoy it everywhere!” it added.
Bubble Wrap Air 2021 version produces different sounds at random intervals from pressing down. The fun version is you can hear a resemblance of a cat’s meow and a crack of a baseball bat which adds the fun of relieving your stress.
You can get this toy from vending machines in Japan for JPY 1,000 (PHP 463). Meanwhile, its in-store version in select Bandai shops is available for JPY 1,078 (PHP 500).
If you think buying one for yourself is a good thing, you can visit