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Myths And Misconceptions About Schizophrenia

Just like any mental illness, there are misconceptions surrounding schizophrenia.
By Society Magazine

Myths And Misconceptions About Schizophrenia


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Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the behaviors and thoughts of an individual. Just like any mental illness, there are misconceptions regarding the illness and those who have it. Debunking these misconceptions will help others understand and become more aware of Schizophrenia.

#1 People with Schizophrenia have multiple personalities

A person with Schizophrenia does not have multiple personalities, rather they experience episodes of psychosis that make it difficult for them to know what is real and what is not. A person with multiple personalities may have multiple personality disorder. Multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia are not synonymous.

#2 People with Schizophrenia are unable to work

This myth may have been brought about because oftentimes, people would think that they have not worked with or interacted with anyone who is Schizophrenic. Due to the episodes of psychosis that people with Schizophrenia experience, some assume that they cannot land a job. When in reality, given the right treatment, people with Schizophrenia can be hired just like anyone else can.

#3 Schizophrenia is hereditary

Some believe that if the parent has Schizophrenia it is automatic that the child will also have Schizophrenia when this could not be further from the truth. Genes do play a role in Schizophrenia but it is not purely caused by genetics.

#4 People with Schizophrenia are violent

Because they can be out of touch of what is reality and what is not, people with schizophrenia may act unpredictably but that does not mean they are violent. If people with Schizophrenia do act violently it may be because they have another condition that contributes to violent behavior. However, it is wrong to assume that violence is a result of Schizophrenia.

#5 Recovery is impossible with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex condition that may be difficult to treat, but it is not impossible. Given the right treatment, patients can recover completely or see improvements. Regardless of recovery, people with Schizophrenia can still lead and live full lives.

These are just some myths attached to Schizophrenia, just like any other illness, whether mental or physical there are certain aspects that some may not understand. That is why it is important to take the time to understand so that beliefs do not reside with the wrong information.