The Government Service Insurance System invests more than Php1 billion in Alternergy, boosting renewable energy infrastructure, as its president Veloso and Alternergy chair Pérez announce the partnership.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization reports a third consecutive monthly drop in global food prices, with sugar, cereals, oils, and meat decreasing and dairy rebounding.
Newly-appointed Agricultural Secretary Francisco Laurel brings deep understanding and innovative solutions to address food security, exports, and agricultural challenges.
Agricultural sector leaders welcome the new Department of Agriculture secretary and call for action on rice production, exports, and vaccine availability.
Accor accelerates its Asian expansion, signing more than 40 properties with 11,000 keys and plans for 20 more, focusing on the Premium, Midscale, and Economy segments.
Clark Development Corporation will thrive in 2023, exceeding last year’s performance, with robust investment pledges, revenue growth, and increased dividends.