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New #KaraokeChallenge On Street Shares Good Vibes To The Internet People

Walang aawat! Tignan at maki-join na sa bagong #KaraokeStreetChallenge!
By Society Magazine

New #KaraokeChallenge On Street Shares Good Vibes To The Internet People


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Filipinos can find positivity even at times when it’s difficult to look for one. They are also known as talented when it comes to music and performing arts. But what if talent and wittiness combined?

This new trend on social media gives amusement to audiences, it is called the Karaoke Street Challenge.

To join this trend, you just need a speaker and a microphone while walking on the streets singing on the top of your lungs fearlessly and proudly. And on’t forget to to post the video of it on social media with the hashtag #KaraokeStreetChallenge.

Here are some brave users on Facebook who boldly showcased in public. Check them out!

Challenge Accepted by Evonie ?Ft.Listen – BeyocePride Of San Isidro LowerVideo Grapher : Nae Nae#TheClash#TawagNgTanghalan

Posted by Francis Earl Paradero on Saturday, August 8, 2020

Hindi biro ang magtulak?Karaoke challenge accepted.Watch t'il the end Lol?Crdts: Johnrussel Hernandez❤️

Posted by Wheng F. Mazo on Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Posted by Anatseng ka Vines on Thursday, August 13, 2020


Posted by Micah Dumalag Carsedo II on Monday, August 10, 2020

Karaoke Street Challenge CCTO Ate Gamay

Karaoke Street ChallengeChallenge Accepted under the rain.?.CCTO Ate Gamayfull video in youtube click da link below thank you to Myleen Jomoc Peñanueva

Posted by Wolmart Karaoke Channel on Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Photo Credit: Facebook/Evonie Marianito, Facebook/Micah Dumalag Carsedo, Facebook/Myleen Jomoc Peñanueva