To create the new costumes in Warner Bros. Pictures’ new psychological thriller “Joker,” director Todd Phillips sought out costume designer Mark Bridges, who had...
ABS-CBN, the country's leading media and entertainment company, is venturing into Hollywood production for the US film and TV outfit Electric Entertainment which is...
HONOR Mobile, continuously empowers today’s youth with technological innovations designed to help them keep up with an intelligent new world. Apart from an outstanding...
The Senate Committee on Public Services, chaired by Sen. Grace Poe, has formally recommended the creation of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) that...
Additional cuts on Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) key rates or banks’ reserve requirements cannot be discounted before 2019 ends in line with the...
Some provinces in northern Luzon will experience rainy weather as typhoon Onyok (international name 'Mitag) slowed down as it continues to move over the...
Senator Win Gatchalian said a law may be needed to further regulate the sale of e-cigarettes, vapes, and other electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery...